Great Novel Challenge Introduction
The Great Novel Challenge is to write a new novel within two months and turn it in. I will look at it but not read it or make any comments.
Only rule for the novel is that it be original, not something from your inventory. But yes, it can be a new novel in one of your series or worlds. And you can't have started it before the first day of the challenge.
No genre limitations.
Length from 40,000 words minimum and up.
It has to be turned in to me by attached file in manuscript format by midnight West Coast Time on the last day of the second month after you started to count in the challenge. (If you end up starting in the middle of the month, your due date for each novel would always be two months from that date. That way it is possible to jump into the challenge at any time.)
I will not read or comment on your book, but if you send me a paperback, it might catch me and I will read it. Some have. But I still will not comment.
The cost is $600.
If you miss, at that point you get $600 credit toward any online teaching, such as Pop-Up series or lectures or classics or lifetime workshops.
The Great Novel Challenge Reward…
First, you have a new novel every two months to get out to markets or up to readers for as long as you can keep the streak alive
If in the following month after you turn in the novel to me, you send me a paperback of the new book for all six books during the year, you will get a lifetime subscription of your choice to all workshops, all lectures, all Pop-Up series, or Las Vegas workshops. (Yes, it is possible to publish a novel, do a paperback of it, and send it to me within a month. But you don't have to. The writing is the important part.)
Questions, write me at [email protected].
This is going to be great fun.