Study Along Introduction Video

Study Along Workshops

Since the in-person Vegas workshops with Kris are very limited and also you must qualify and be in the right place, many writers either don't qualify yet or can't make the trip to Vegas for one reason or another.

So Kris and I have come up with a way to allow writers of any skill level to study along. It won't be the full workshop by a long ways, but it will still be pretty nifty.

First, you will get the same reading list that Kris sends out five months ahead. Same deadline to get it all read.

You will get the first story assignment. It must be turned it at exactly the same time Kris's writers in Vegas will turn their stories in.

Kris will do short videos about the reading books that will be released a little each day. (Writers in Vegas will also have access to all this as well for review later.)

I will do a series of recorded videos that will be opened up each day talking about learning the topic of the workshop, similar to regular online workshops.

You will get the short story assignments and deadlines at exactly the same as the Vegas writers. I will respond to your short stories. Kris will not read them, but I will. Then I will do a short webinar for each short story assignment where I talk about the stories and the reason for the assignment.

Only the Vegas writers will get all the other craft assignments and hear Kris's lectures and how that all builds. But the Study Along students will get her comments recorded about each book in the reading list and my lectures on the topics plus comments on the stories and a webinar about the stories.

Study Along Series Workshop

This workshop focus is on how to create short stories that branch from and fit with your series. You will be able to work from your own series in this workshop to create more stories in your own worlds.

In this new world of indie publishing, having short stories tied into your larger series is a golden way of promotion. And readers love them. Having more ways of discoverability is critical to increasing your sales. You will learn how to do that in this workshop, both in Vegas and in the Study Along Workshops.

Details About the Series Workshop

This workshop starts with the reading list in early September, 2018, you will write a short story in two weeks in January, and bulk of the writing takes place January 25th-29th. All teaching videos will appear over those five days as well.

I will send you a direct email when the reading list is put up here and also when the first short story assignment is posted.

The videos will always be on your dashboard to return to at any time. The webinar will not be recorded.

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