Tip of the Week, General Introduction

Every Sunday night (Monday morning) I will put up a new writing or publishing tip here on Teachable.

The subscription to this series of tips is $10 per month.

When it gets to the sixth tip, the first one will vanish, leaving five tips at any point.

After three months, I will take the 13 tips and put them in their own lecture. If you have subscribed for three months, you can get that tip lecture on your dashboard for free so you can go back to the tips at any point. If you have missed a month or two, you can pay our regular lecture amount of $50 to get the 13 video tips.

So much better to subscribe. But now, for those of you who missed all the tips, here are the first 13 in this format.

The tips are all videos ranging from six minutes to nine minutes long about some topic or another in writing or publishing. Some will be things you know or have heard, others will be new things or different ways to think on a topic.

Allyson Longueira, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and I will be coming up with, and detailing out, the tips, but mostly I will present them. We're looking forward to this. Kind of a way to get us focused every week on one thing or another.

Any questions, write me at [email protected]

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